A joined pair of womenswear gloves, in violet leather; wrist length (button length 1 1/2), with inverted V-shape vent with frill on back, inseams, Boulton thumb, fourchettes, lined silk.
A joined pair of womenswear gloves, in violet leather; wrist length (button length 1 1/2), with inverted V-shape vent with frill on back, inseams, Boulton thumb, fourchettes, lined silk.
Glove size: 8
Glovemaker: Dents
Gowman, Alison
Banquet of the Worshipful Company of Glovers of London
Alison Gowman was the retiring Master Glover of the Worshipful Company of Glovers of London in 2014 and gifted a pair of these gloves to guests at the Banquet on 17 September 2014 at the end of her year of office. Alison wrote about her choice of this particular pair of gloves (2018): "Liked the colour, add to Ladies collection, not a duplicate".